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Things I learnt in the last week


One, the comfort my parents bring is immeasurable but it's absence produces an ache I cannot bare.

Two, choosing things for myself isn't worth much and feels like no one exists to care for me (mom, come to my door and tell me to eat)

Three, why my father goes back to his high school friends as if they replenish him. I miss our summer already, please come and hold my hand.

Four, on lonely nights weaving a blanket out of memories works just fine to trap their warmth in my soul.

Five, things fall into place. It's how the universe was designed.

"This is about you. You know who you are. I love you"

the skies have been looking a perfect blue 

for the last couple of days 

and i’ve been falling and crying but it’s been alright cause it’s been with you

anything that’s been in my way you’ve tossed aside 

it’s all disintegrated cause suddenly we are a part of a fairy tale 

how is it possible that skies have been so blue? 

summer sunsets and you 

i have never seen a more clear horizon since i’ve been with you 

i’m reminded everyday with every good morning that i have always been a lover girl

people pushed me to the edge and made me turn black and violet hues but 

you’re here for me now that i’m bursting with pink and all of that glittery shit and 

it’s a beautiful view 

Strange corners

i remember my childhood randomly 

in strange corners of strange moments

and now that i can deem it definitely over 

i will always be grateful for these fleeting memories 

because one,

when i see copy paper on a tailor’s desk 

i remember her mother showing us how it works 

and two,

ganesh chaturthis come and go 

but i’ll always remember us running around in fancy wear 

and me falling and crying 

and three,

i always walk by barbie dolls in stores 

still tempted after all these years to pick them up 

but it makes me sad that these memories are shaded blue 

not only because my childhood is over 

but also because i’ll never have those people back 

it’s grief for something that never officially ended

but somehow did 



i’m blowing out my metaphorical 19th candle 

there’s no cake on campus 

and so nothing is real except it is 

and i’m surrounded by souls i barely know 

my lover is sick 

my parents are abroad 

and i should be lonely but i’m not

cause i’m 19 - the last teenage dream

perhaps it’s meant to be lived alone. 


mom, life has taken a bizarre turn 

these people weren’t in my life three weeks ago 

why were they the first to wish me happy birthday 

why do i not feel lonely but empty anyway 

is this home sickness or something deeper 

mother i fear i don’t love myself anymore 

but i’m thinking it’ll be okay 


why do we look at our past as if we don’t have a future still? 

i keep myself warm with the memories of other birthdays

and the thoughts of everyone who i know wants to be with right now 

i’ll keep them in my thoughts and wonder and dream that there’s a birthday in my future 

when we’ll be together once again 

Valentine's Day

is a capitalistic sham. 

I have spent all my years saying that. 

Except for this one, 

because of him. He makes me want 

chocolates and flowers 

and all the other pink themed shit I condemned. 

This is another thing I have changed 

about myself from 13 to 20. 

A piece of anger I’ve let go of, 

another lie I’ve forgotten to keep. 

Growing up is many things - 

its making mistakes, following the wrong person, getting lost, 

but we also learn to be more true to ourselves. 

I listen to my favourite band more shamelessly, 

admit to my flaws like they’re my badge of honour. 

And I ask for flowers and chocolate bars. 

I spent years trying to let go, only to realise now 

I am winning. 

Most importantly, ladies and gentlemen, 

I have a valentine. 

moments of love


i said, “sleep early please”

my mom 

told me to look at the sun rising 

a friend 

bends down to tie my laces

i hold on to a key for emergencies 

make notes in the margin of a book

learn the way you like 

your coffee. my Starbucks order 

draw hearts on hands and notebooks covers 

write words to make her happy 

draw me as an angel 

wear your favourite shirt 

she wears the bracelet that i got her 

my mom knows when i’m anxious 

she knows when i’ve had a fight 

another friend 

got me makeup from london 

moments of love 


I told him 

going through these pictures 

is like walking in a graveyard 

of long gone friendships 

I’m sending him pictures of me 

but they have people that 

i haven’t seen in so much time

that sometimes I forget how much time 

I’d spend around them 

but it comes back when I see them now 

look here’s a video of us dancing

but Now there’s no video of us smiling 

I’ve left them all behind 


are you walking past the graveyard dear? 

I can see your eyes mourning for 

The losses that you gained 

If I could bring them back from the dead

I would. But I learnt the hard way 

Broken friendships can’t be mended 

Broken people can’t be trusted 

But aren’t we shattered too? 

We’re sitting in McDonalds now 

Pretending we aren’t remembering 

Other times with other people 


He breaks the lie and asks 

“Weren’t birthdays here the best?” 

And I nod along as I recall

A hazy afternoon with sugar and balloons

I wonder idly how I’ll remember the Now 

A wondrous night with sugar and something else 

But I vow here and now

That we’ll reminisce together 

He won’t walk past me in the cemetery 

Won’t mourn me while I’m living

It started with a click 

I picked her over you

It was an icon on my screen 

Nothing more nothing less 

Then, how did it come to this? 


Seasons change, flowers die

And somewhere it between 

I lost you. And you lost me too. 

Although, I still wonder 

How people can lose each other


So now, we sit in our houses

The distance stayed the same 

But the path became too long.

Now, I sit here and say 

We used to be friends. 

We were all young when we first saw you 

Too young to realise you were young too. 

You know what they say, young stars never grow up. 

But we’re not young anymore 

So, when you sang ‘Only the Young’ 

We heard you. We’re screaming now. 


You were quiet for too long. 

Quiet when they snatched the mic from you 

Radio Silence for years. Quiet girls are good girls. 

You’re not quiet now. 

You climbed from the grave, old Taylor’s dead. 

We were quiet then. We’re screaming now. 


We’re screaming in the streets. 

We’re turning it around. 

We’re young but not quiet. 

And we learnt it all from you. 

Quiet girls become mad women. 

You made us like that. 


Now, look what you made us do. 

Laughing like lovers 

Walking like warriors 

All we see is Red. 

We watched what they did to you

It won’t happen again. 


We were raised by Taylor Swift 

So we don’t care if you like us 25% less

We’re only the young

And they’re just mean 

So, we’ll run, never too tired 

It’s just a matter of time. 

We Were Raised by Taylor Swift

Where do we go?

The hill i used to climb 

is paved with concrete 

I long to feel the dirt 

under my feet 

when i climb to the top 

i see no greenery 

only apartement buildings 

and i used to think 

it was beautiful 

but now i miss 

the trees 


The trees which 

would so beautifully 

come alive in 


then break 

my heart and fade in 


but they’d always 

come back to me. 


They used to say, 

Seasons change, flowers die 

But now it never gets cold 

And the flowers don’t blossom

So, where do we go from here? 


Yeah, I was born in 2003 

They can call us what they like 

100 years from now,

What will they say? 

We were born to a burning planet 

We inherited a broken land 

Watch us wash it all away 

We’ll go back where we started 

No, we won’t play the game you made 

Maybe we’ll change it all someday 

We won’t be mourners on the morning train 

We won’t watch you throw our lives away


You look so proud on that throne of gold 

Draping diamonds around your broken soul 

But tell me, how much are they really worth? 

Seems to me we can bring their prices 

Down. Crashing down. Down to hell you’ll go. 

Maybe you knew all along 

This is what you deserve 

Making children pick your rocks 

How much did you pay them? 

Down. Crashing down. Down to hell you’ll go.


Don’t lose hope please 

Do you promise to stand tall with me? 

Towns and Cities


Talk a lot about 

Towns and their futility.

But they don’t understand 

The hopelessness of cites.


10 years ago, 

We’d go for drives at 10:00pm

And we’d be driving though 

A city full of dreams. 

Now, I drive back at midnight

And the city is alive 

But in the way 

Which makes it feel like 

A party at Gatsby’s manor. 


So I live with the knowledge 

That I live in a city

Whose secrets I will never know. 

Whose schemes I never 

Want to understand. 

And how is that the hills

I grew up with

Have faded away in the noise 

Of skyscrapers? 

She said her happiness was 

orange and shades of yellow. 

She remembered eating lemons, 

watching the Sun and the flowers bloom. 

I read her words and remembered 

a different time, when my happiness was

orange and shades of yellow. 

I thought of first crushes, long bus rides

and the Best Song Ever music video. 


I told her that my happiness had

changed to a lavender hue. 

The smell of lavender, the colour of its petals and the smell of air in Spring.

It reminds me of A Tale of Two Cities, Rome 

and the album Icarus Falls. 

Sometimes I'm so glad, so thankful my happiness 

changed to a lavender hue. 


I found that people find it difficult to

understand how happiness can change. 

They found it harder still to understand 

how happiness can be a lavender hue. 

I smiled broadly and cheered internally 

when she said that she understood. 

She won't understand it now, I know but 

I do hope her happiness changes too â€‹


It's beautiful to think 

that God answers our prayers.

To believe that he looks down 

from the heavens 

and sees us 

down on our knees

and then 

blesses us with the



But it's wonderful too

to know 

that this water 

has travelled the 

whole world

to water 

our plants and 


our thirst.


Stories and myths 

they satisfy 

our creative hearts.


knowledge and reasoning 

they let our

restless minds 





Father, I had a dream 

that my wings were

finally spread wide. 

That I learned to

jump and I wasn't

afraid to fly. 

Father, I am sorry 

that I'm not the girl 

you raised me to be.

You taught me how

to mend broken wings

but the same tricks 

don't work for a heart. 


I want to be 

that girl in the magazine. 

Not pretty, no, not tall

I want to be confident like her 

a woman who's 

comfertable in her 

own skin 

I want to be 

that girl in the dress 

the pink one with 

diamond shoes. 

The one who smiles 

when nobody's watching 

like everybody is. 


Mother, you hoped

I would stand tall.

You told me to 

reach the stars.

And while I try 

to build a 


I wish I could 

just jump and 

catch them in my palms,

like all the other do. 

Mother, maybe someday 

you'll see me holding a star.

Then I'll probably wonder 

if it was worth it to travel 

so, so far. 

Do you believe in magic?

In the realm of mystery?

'Cause sometimes when I look out the windowI swear I can see the magic

I see it in the birds that stretch their wings to fly 

How did they manage to fly so high

and leave us all behind?

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